Sunday, 1 July 2007

Demo class

In my demo class, I could notice some of my weaknesses as well as strengths. For instance, in the planning of the lesson I realized that I lacked of the knowledge of the technical names of the activities and stages through which a class goes on. Therefore, I had to make my planning supporting every activity with a sheet of paper containing the skills and microskills of reading. However, and no matter the planning, there were still some aspects that I could have covered more efficiently like the use of strategies to check the language of a text without having the students read aloud the material.
On the other hand, I could also notice that I already have some of the necessary abilities for a teacher to perform in a classroom, such as: control of the students facing teaching-related situations, logical sequence of activities and clarity of the tasks that students are expected to carry on.


Viktor Carrasquero said...

Hi, José Elezar
Hope everything's fine. Hey, this is a great piece of metacognition!!! I truly think that one of the most important features a teacher should have is the ability to be self-critical and analize his/her own performance in the language classroom. I hope you keep up the good work and remember: be always critical, consciencious and analytical...
Viktor Manuel

Mireya García ; José Roa ; Karina Clemente said...

Thanks a lot for your comment pal. I think I tried to be as objective as possible when assessing my own performance. However, I also beleive we all need feedback from other people in order to have a better image of what is needed to be done to improve out performance. In a few words, constructive remarks like yours are always welcomed.